While learning is an inevitable approach to life, we are sometimes not presently conscious of the learning circumstance or situation that comes at the moment. Therefore, The TEB-IT Foundation specializes in the understanding of what we call, “Learn how to learn.” This is the ability to learn from anywhere you are in life, from anything you do, at any time and through any means, which becomes natural and organic. Anything unnatural or inorganic is not in compliance with our body’s safety mechanism, which causes us to become imbalanced. Therefore, the natural and organic way to learn is through our five senses and our innate intuition, which is sometimes referred to as our sixth sense...
The natural way to learn is to see something, hear something, touch something, taste something, smell something, or gather insight about something. Once these things are repeated then the brain begins to understand the component and learns them. For instance, if a baby touches a fire and it burns the baby once, he or she begins the process of learning. If he or she touches the fire for a second or third time, which is a repeated action, then he or she will now learn that the element of fire is hot and should not be touched. The baby will naturally learn this whether he or she is taught by an adult. However, the baby will not be able to verbalize such a process with the word “hot” or the context of a fire, but he or she will learn not to touch such an element again. This is the natural process of learning, especially in the manner of safety.
On the other hand, The TEB-IT Foundation also incorporates the five elements of Discussion, Research, Study, Observation, and Discovery as a core part of the learning process. The following explains the five elements:
1. Discussion--- To open a dialogue with other entities, which provides the opportunity for a clearer or deeper understanding… 2. Research--- To produce awareness beyond the current level of insight, which delivers the opportunity for a clearer or deeper understanding.
3. Discovery--- To bring about the truth beyond the truth that was once given to us, which reveals the opportunity for a clearer or deeper understanding…
4. Observation--- To have a keen interest in the physical or spiritual component of an entity, which invokes the opportunity for a clearer or deeper understanding...
5. Study--- To pay deep attention to a topic or something of interest, which gathers the opportunity for a clearer or deeper understanding…
With the five incorporated elements acting as one Unit in a learning process, a person can safely and naturally reach a New Destination with their understanding. With a new level of understanding, the person internally operates at a higher level. This is then balanced with the external functionality, which goes at a higher level as well. In the end, New Results will safely begin to appear in a person’s life, circumstance, or situation, which is the ultimate goal of learning. Therefore, the art of learning is to arrive at a New Destination. The moment the process of learning stops is the moment the person begins to repeat the old destination from the previously learned circumstance/s.
The TEB-IT Foundation is strong on these five elements that are added to our already natural way of learning. They have been the immaculate pillars of the creation, FLOW, growth, development, and sustainability of The TEB-IT Foundation. They are the operating system of our daily functionality as a Foundation.
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