The TEB-IT Foundation specializes in creating New Destinations and it is no different from our **WorkSHIP. Blended with mathematics, each TEB-IT’s WorkSHIP is designed with a specific life data-driven formula. A mathematical formula allows for an operation to take place in return for a specified result or outcome. Therefore, each **WorkSHIP is designed to bring about a NEW Result in a person’s day-to-day life. However, formulas don’t work by sitting on the board, table, notes, etc. They have to be utilized in a manner that is accompanied by a form of action to see some type of result.
So join us on this imaginary journey to gather a better understanding of our **WorkSHIP through the analogy of a ship anchored at its dock. The Ship is fully loaded and ready to go. However, if there is no form of action from the captain or designated driver of the ship, it will remain in its anchored position while being fully loaded. Therefore, for the ship to move and reach its New Destination, there has to be some form of action taken. End of analogy Journey.
The SHIP is a blended metaphor of the human body, which will be loaded with NEW information gained through the **WorkSHIP. The **WorkSHIP allows the person to be loaded with New Information, however, it is through the distinctive application of practicing the formula that will help the person to set sail to attaining a NEW result, also known as a New Destination. Otherwise, the person’s loaded vessel will share a similar result with those who engage in eating a large amount of food but never finds an outlet to release the loaded energy from the intake of the food. It then creates room for obesity and an imbalance external functionality. Hence, the ultimate design of the **WorkSHIP is to obtain new information from a practical formula, in which the recipients of such information can utilize the movement of their vessels/ships to a New Destination.
We say, “No work contribution, no New Destination.” Hence, once the person can Work the Ship, he or she will attain a New Result based on the given data-driven formula provided in the **WorkSHIP. This entire process is why we call it **WorkSHIP and not Workshop. We provide the insightful data-driven formulas and the person works the Ship to generate New Results, which lands the person to a New Destination when he or she put the formula into practice. Again, “No work contribution, no New Destination.”
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